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The gossip: week of June 4th

“The gossip” is a new reporting strand on Education Uncovered, and at the moment a bit of an experiment. I am getting so many interesting tip-offs, I need a format for processing and reporting on them which is perhaps less detailed/multi-sourced than you might find in a conventional news story on the site, or even in our diary column.

Instead, here you will find snippets of information, sometimes with the institution concerned anonymised to reflect the slightly more provisional nature of the story. But I suspect readers are going to find it interesting, so let’s get going with it….

Thursday, June 7th

Is DfE about to unveil new free school site for troubled academy trust?

Will this week’s news that the £270,000-a-year headteacher leading an academy trust has left her post “with immediate effect” prove extra-embarrassing for the government, as it prepares to announce a site for the trust’s new free school?

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By Warwick Mansell for EDUCATION UNCOVERED

Published: 7 June 2018


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