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Secondees invited to work “pro bono” at the Department for Education

The Department for Education, where secondees are being invited to apply to work "pro bono"

Teachers: do you fancy working at the Department for Education, beavering away on secondment on one of the department’s main priorities?

Are you “exceptional and highly motivated”? Do you want to take advantage of this “excellent opportunity to experience working in Central Government [not just central government, but Central Government], including working with Senior Officials and Ministers”?

You do? Great. There’s just one thing, though: your school will have to pay.

This is the implication of a job advert which currently features on the government’s “civil service jobs” website. It is seeking applicants to work on “STEM” (science, technology, engineering and maths) policy at the DfE.

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By Warwick Mansell for EDUCATION UNCOVERED

Published: 25 May 2018


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